Redeemer Lutheran Church



       A Congregation of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Rev. John Drosendahl  - 22531 LA-1088  Mandeville, LA 70448 -  (985) 674-0377



of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34


Information for First Time Visitors


About our Services


Redeemer follows a liturgical order of service from Lutheran Service Book which is available in each pew and under the chairs in the back of the Sancturary. If you are unfamilier with our Order of Service, the Bulliten has an outline of the Service, or you can ask one of our members for assistance.


Our Service normally lasts about 1 hour and consists of Hymns, Prayer, Scripture readings, a Sermon, and on Sunday and other special days Holy Communion.


What about Communion?


Redeemer practices Closed Communion which is explained here. If you are a first time guest, please speak with Pastor before coming forward to receive Communion.


How should I dress?


You will find people wear casual slack and jeans, Polo type shirts, dress shirts, dresses, suit and tie, sport coats. Dress as makes you comfortable.


What do my kids go?


Children come to service with you.


What about Sunday School?


Redeemer offers Bible Classes taught by our Pastor for adults and Sunday School for children starting at 9 am.


If you have any questions, please ask the Pastor or any member.



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