Redeemer Lutheran Church



A Message from our Pastor








If you’d like to know more about the congregation and about what we believe, teach, and confess, then check out a few of the other pages here at this site, or the links provided. God has some things He’d like you to hear and know, and it would be our sincere pleasure to share His Word with you. Our intent is to help connect people with God’s holy Word, and I sincerely hope this website will help us do just that. May God bless the time you spend checking out our site and related links, and then come and join us, if possible, to praise our Lord and to receive the gifts He desires to share with His people.


In His service,

Rev. John C. Drosendahl

       A Congregation of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

"Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching." 1 Timothy 5:17

Rev. John Drosendahl  - 22531 LA-1088  Mandeville, LA 70448 -  (985) 674-0377



of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession

Welcome to Redeemer’s Website. Regardless of why or how you’ve ended up at this site, I sincerely hope and pray that you will find it helpful and informative. For over 20 years God has been serving His people in and around Mandeville and the Northshore through the Word and Sacrament ministry of Redeemer Lutheran Church, and this presence on the internet is just another means for connecting people with His Church, His Word, and His Son.


If you’re looking for a church home, new or otherwise, please come visit us on Sunday morning or for any of our worship/study opportunities, or contact us via the phone or internet if you have any questions or special concerns.

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